The Aeronautics and Space market is continuing to experience consolidations and rapid technological advancement. With rising cost pressures, companies are focusing on Value Engineering and Design-to-Cost initiatives. Furthermore, there’s an increased emphasis on Lean and Agile product development methodologies. In this time of historically low unemployment, Aeronautics and Space companies are leaning on SUNMAN Engineering to support their aggressive product development schedules.
Our capabilities include all aspects of electronic and mechanical engineering and we provide full support in product design, development, and manufacturing. Our experience in low- to medium-volume production across multiple industries has proven valuable for many clients. Our professionals come from diverse engineering backgrounds and can offer a tailored project approach to support your product development efforts.
We have 30+ years of relationships with various aerospace companies and a diversified portfolio of 1700+ successful projects in the aerospace industry. We have also received several awards from Aerospace companies.
Our experience and capabilities mean that we can ramp up quickly and provide immediate value to your project, through seamless collaboration with your team or becoming an extension of your in-house resources.
Explore our services:
• Simulation and Analysis
• Prototyping
• Electronic Manufacturing Services
Contact us to learn more about our extensive aerospace capabilities.