SunMan is dedicated to delivering the highest quality products for our customers. With the Product Realization Process, our proprietary service that ensures each product developed is of the highest standard and our well-defined quality standards, SunMan is able to deliver products that are "right the first time" and meet our customer’s specifications.

Keys to Success

  • Proven proprietary process
  • 25 years of experience
  • Over 100 process verification steps ensure high quality results
  • High quality engineering staff
  • Well defined standards
  • Experienced staff review designs to improve performance, quality, reliability, and ensure Design
    for Manufacturing (DFM).

What you can expect from SunMan

Our Engineering Process for PCB Layout Design

  • SunMan’s experienced staff of electronic engineers personally create the PCB layout engineering that is normally handled by drafting personnel.
  • Every PCB layout design by SunMan Engineering is accomplished by a layout engineer and is 100% manually executed.
  • A separate senior layout engineer performs the quality audit.
  • A third senior engineer, as the program manager, oversees both the layout and the quality engineering throughout the design process.
  • Our Operations Manager oversees the entire process with final responsibility for the design.

SunMan Engineering’s Commitment
SunMan remains dedicated to providing our customers with high quality, on-time engineering solutions for their product development and prototyping needs.

What our clients say

Contact our staff to discuss your project

1879 Lundy Ave, Suite 236,
San Jose, CA 95131

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